full-time classic philology student
enthusiast of the pretty & eldritch
nonbinary ; they/them - she/her ;
costa rica ; español & english ; aromantic/asexual
what are you? |
a naiad sleeping on the shore of a creek; pastel skies and way too many stars; a face in stained glass windows; sitting on a rock and watching waterfalls for hours; that feeling that craves the forest; wings coming from your shoulder blades; deer antlers coming from your skull; mirage cottages in the middle of nowhere; endless flower meadows; flooded fancy houses; hidden rivers you hear first and then see; strong wind that blows your coat off; mirror-like lakes disturbed by a raindrop and made to sparkle; running alongside wolves; sunshowers; blue hour birds chirping; platonic i love you's; the sun making patterns as it comes through lace curtains; lesser constellations; soft & sharp; coughing up butterflies; an arch of seven moons in the sky; sunlight through tree leaves; the longer you stay in the room the more flowers grow; black cats yawning |

online ✿ projects ✿ short stories
@rxinbowbright, @chaoticdecember, @royalbookblog

writeblr ; misc ; hdm ; advice ; studyblrpinterest ; ao3 ; medium ; goodreads ; patreon ; ko-fi
novellas / novels.
DISASTERS TO SLEEP TROUGH: while marilú's sister is off dealing with a messy divorce she leaves her with her niece in the lighthouse where she works and has lived in for nearly ten years.
THE WALK OF EURYDICE: a modern retelling of the myth of orpheus & eurydice. thea bautista, a classics major, meets the ghost of dylan james who's been dead for as long as she has been alive.
SMALL GODS: maripaz vega is going through the motions of senior year, eating up time until graduation. when theo rayes smiles at her it's not dramatic, it's just unexpected.
THREE GIRLS WHO CRIED WOLF: we follow the lives of best friends iris ibarra, winnie gil and maree peña after they find and adopt (and become) wolves.
BLOOD, WINE BLUE: a modern take on the iliad where the trojan war turns into a battle between rival gangs.
FROM THE MOUTHS WITH NO TONGUE: marjorie de los ángeles is a witch who lives in small town princesa gloria, when a string of murders begin to happen people are all too eager to blame her family.
ASTRAL CONVERGENCE: a modern take on greek mythology. artemis and apollo, now assassins, are hired to kill the king of the gods: their father, zeus.
FANTASYBANE: a mad scientist engages in human experimentation to show concepts of fantasy can be a reality, as told by said experiments.
EVERGREEN LUNG: sorrel borja died, then she undied and woke up in the town's local forest. doesn't know what to do with herself or the forest co-hosting her body.
SPEAK, PROPHECY: when the brother of modern day prophet rené luna turns out responsible for a death, a domino effect begins that will make senior year quite a time.
IN THE WILD GARDEN: to try and salvage her family from debt vienna aderyn, her sister, and cousin engage in clandestine dragon fights.
COUGHING ROSES: during the end of the world, fae velásquez, jo czerny, mia newpark and rafael ocampo decide to embark on a roadtrip to choose how they are going to die.
BARRIO ÁNGELES: a small town in a slightly askew costa rica where live children of angels, and how it regrettably ended up worshipping.
ANATOMY OF SHADOWS: high fantasy set in a world where the sky bends towards the earth and people's shadows take the shape of gigantic beasts. misha venpua and clara western have their shadows stolen and embark on a journey to get them back.
THE ORCHARD COMMONWEALTH: every year the prophetess of the all-girls boarding announces which of the students is to die by accident and which is to be killed as sacrifice.
HIDEOUT: kids with powers over the elements placed in an artificial forest find what they have been looking for all these years: a way out. personal rewrite of my 2013 magnum opus.
APOLOGISE, YOU HAVE MY EYES: cordelia scott is dead, romeo and echo are to blame. set in a world plagued by creatures that steal people's eyes and where magic is just common enough.
THE MOON LIKE A THIN SMILE: a modern story of orion and artemis set during the first ever winter, when the world is still feeling the aftermath of the titanomachy.
OH, GLORY!: set in a modern world. when clio, muse of history, asks for respite from her life kratos, god of strength, can only offer one night — he has to be back by zeus's side in the morning.
TO THE ANIMAL BELLY: ezra adopts a little girl who refuses to see them as her new family, and so they find a way to bond through the acclaimed fights of titan animals.
THE END OF US, BABY!: a group of monster hunters are stuck in a rut when their de facto leader brings his girlfriend back from the dead.
BLOOD, WINE BLUE: a modern retelling of the iliad where the achaeans and trojans are rival gangs.
shot stories.
this list is more for me than for you. i am forgetful.
WOLF MOTHER: luna, a white wolf, takes the role of mother in the unfortunate circumstances of twins juno and andy altamirano. which concerns their situation of family neglect and the abuse from the boy living next door.
A METAMORPHOSIS: eden is part of a project of human experimentation, in the morning they will be put through metamorphosis and lose their memory again.
SUNFLOWER: cousins flor and sol move to a supposedly haunted house in the country which causes flor to retch flowers and sol to cry sunlight.
THE WEDDING OF MISS FOX: miss fox, an animal bride, mends her foxskin and herself among a colony of rabbits after escaping her husband.
DO THE WORLD A FAVOUR: samuel o'dwyer found a fae changeling in the forest. ten years later, he's driving her in his mum's stolen car to places she can't remember but hopes will bring her home.
PASS THE CLASS NOTES ON HARUSPEX: short story THE ORCHARD COMMONWEALTH expands on. dark academia girls in a boarding school with a cult led by one of their classmates, a prophetess.
AT THE END OF THE WORLD I'LL EAT YOU: eldritch creatures are spilling into our reality, and meanwhile miriam lobo won't stop having the same nightmare where she tears her brother apart with her teeth.
HOMEWARD AND BOUND: ocean and hannah are trying to leave their creepy hometown after visiting their family for a funeral, taking hannah's niece and ocean's dog with them in the backseat.
OBSCURATUS LUPUS: a little girl adopts a black wolf cub she found in the woods... and as time passes the cub doesn't seem to stop growing.
¿QUÉ PASA, CALABAZA? media noche buries and unburies bodies in a pumpkin patch filled with talking jack-o’-lanterns. halloween special. // medium
FISH HOOK A TANGERINE-SLICE MOON (IN TEN STEPS). a girl falls in love with the moon and floods the town. as told by the girl's mother. // medium
UNDERSIDE OF MY TONGUE. escapril 2020 collection of flash fiction stories centered around modernised greek mythology and new testament, botanic body horror, and fairy tales. // ao3
WHAT THE SUN TASTES LIKE. escapril 2021 collection of flash fiction stories centered around modernised greek mythology, literary classics, applied voidpunk aesthetic, and fairy tales. // ao3
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